WorldInstance script interface

The IWorldInstance script interface represents a single instance of an object type (represented by IObjectClass) that appears in a layout. It derives from the IInstance script interface.

Many objects return a more specific class deriving from IInstance or IWorldInstance to add APIs specific to the plugin. See the Plugin interfaces reference for more information.

Getting an IWorldInstance

Instances are typically accessed through IObjectClass methods like getFirstInstance(). For example, runtime.objects.Sprite.getFirstInstance() will return the first instance of the Sprite object type.

General APIs

An ILayout interface representing the layout the instance is on.
An ILayer interface representing the layer the instance is on.
setPosition(x, y)
The position of this instance, in layout co-ordinates. The methods allow setting or getting both co-ordinates at the same time.
offsetPosition(dx, dy)
Adjust the position by adding dx to the X co-ordinate and dy to the Y co-ordinate.
The Z elevation of the instance, relative to the layer it is on.
A read-only value indicating the Z elevation of the instance including its layer's Z elevation.
setSize(width, height)
The size of this instance, in layout co-ordinates. The methods allow setting or getting both values at the same time.
The angle of the instance in radians. If this is changed, angleDegrees updates accordingly.
The angle of the instance in degrees. If this is changed, angle updates accordingly.
Return a DOMRect representing the axis-aligned bounding box of the instance in layout co-ordinates.
Return a DOMQuad representing the bounding quad of the instance in layout co-ordinates. This is always a rectangle, but unlike the bounding box can represent rotation.
A boolean indicating whether the instance is visible in the layout.
Returns true if any part of the object's bounding box is within the screen area (performing the same check as the Is on-screen condition). This is not affected by the object's visibility or opacity.
The opacity of the instance, as a floating point number in the range [0, 1], where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque.
An array with 3 elements specifying the red, green and blue color filter of the instance, with color values as floats in the 0-1 range.
A string indicating the current blend mode of the instance, controlling how it draws over the background. This must be one of "normal", "additive", "copy", "destination-over", "source-in", "destination-in", "source-out", "destination-out", "source-atop", "destination-atop".
An array of IEffectInstance representing the effect parameters for each effect on the instance.

Z order APIs

Move the instance to the top or the bottom of its current layer in the Z order.
Move the instance to the top of a different layer given by its ILayer.
moveAdjacentToInstance(other, isAfter)
Move the instance adjacent to other (another IWorldInstance) in the Z order. If necessary this also moves the instance to the same layer as other. If isAfter is true, it moves it just above the given instance, else just below.
A read-only integer indicating the instance's current index in the Z order on its current layer, starting at 0 for the back of the current layer, and increasing as it moves to the front.

Collision APIs

See also the ICollisionEngine interface for more collision APIs.

Set or get a boolean indicating whether collisions are enabled for this instance. If disabled, the instance will always fail all overlap or collision checks.
containsPoint(x, y)
Test if a point intersects this instance, using its collision polygon if any, and return a boolean indicating if the point is inside the instance's collision area.
Test if this instance overlaps another world instance given by an IWorldInstance, returning true if they overlap, else false. This uses the object's collision polygons if any. If either instance has collisions disabled, this will always return false.

Mesh distortion APIs

createMesh(hsize, vsize)
Create a mesh for deforming the appearance of the object with the given number of mesh points horizontally and vertically. The minimum size is 2.
Releases any mesh that has been created, reverting back to default rendering of the object with no mesh distortion. Ignored if no mesh created.
setMeshPoint(col, row, opts)
Alter a given point in a created mesh given by its zero-based column and row. opts is an object that may specify the following properties:

  • mode: a string of "absolute" (default) or "relative", determining how to interpret the x, y, uand v options.

  • x and y: the mesh point position offset, in normalized co-ordinates [0, 1] across the object size. These are allowed to go outside the object bounds. In relative mode these are added to the mesh point's current position.

  • u and v: the texture co-ordinate for the mesh point, in normalized co-ordinates [0, 1]. These are not allowed to go outside the object bounds. These can be omitted, or in absolute mode be set to -1, to indicate not to change the texture co-ordinate from the default.

  • zElevation: the Z elevation of the mesh point, allowing for distortion in 3D. Similarly to Z elevation of entire objects, this moves the mesh point up and down on the Z axis.
Return the size of the mesh as [hsize, vsize] (corresponding to the size passed to createMesh()) if one is created. If no mesh has been created, returns [0, 0].

Scene graph APIs

Return the parent IWorldInstance of this instance in the scene graph hierarchy if any, else null.
Return the top parent of this instance in the scene graph hierarchy (which by definition has no parent itself) if any, else null.
A generator method that can be used to iterate all the instance's parents, up to the top parent.
Returns the number of children that have been added to this instance in the scene graph hierarchy.
Of the children that have been added to this instance, return the child instance at the given zero-based index. If the index is out of bounds, returns null.
A generator method that can be used to iterate all the instance's added children.
A generator method that can be used to iterate all the instance's children recursively, i.e. including children of children, down to the bottom of the scene graph hierarchy.
addChild(wi, opts)
Add another world instance given by an IWorldInstance as a child of this instance in the scene graph hierarchy. This instance becomes its parent in the scene graph hierarchy. The child will move, scale and rotate with this instance according to the provided options specified in the object opts, which supports the following properties:

  • transformX: move the child with this instance's X position

  • transformY: move the child with this instance's Y position

  • transformWidth: scale the child with this instance's width

  • transformHeight: scale the child with this instance's height

  • transformAngle: rotate the child with this instance's angle

  • transformZElevation: move the child with this instance's Z elevation

  • transformOpacity: change the child's opacity according to the parent's opacity

  • transformVisibility: make the child invisible if the parent is also invisible

  • destroyWithParent: automatically destroy the child if this instance is destroyed
Each option is a boolean which defaults to false if omitted, so only true properties need to be specified.
Remove an existing child given by an IWorldInstance that was previously added with addChild(). The child is detached from the scene graph hierarchy and this instance will no longer act as its parent. The removed child still keeps its own children, if it has any.
Shorthand method for wi.getParent().removeChild(wi), i.e. removes this instance from its parent if it has any. If the instance has no parent, the method has no effect.
Construct Animate Manual 2024-04-24