Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Patch for r183

22 January, 2020 ()

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The first beta release in a new release cycle usually includes our biggest and riskiest changes, to ensure they get the longest possible testing period before the next stable release. Consequently there can be a few problems that crop up. We're releasing a patch update to fix a few issues in r183. Notably there were issues using signed Android builds, which made it difficult to build a signed Android App Bundle, which was a new feature. Some other fixes are also included.

Note that if you run in to any bugs or problems, please report them following all the guidelines to our issue tracker here. We always want to help and fix every problem, but we need all that information to be able to do anything about it. If you only mention an issue in a comment or on the forum, we have no way to investigate the issue and resolve the problem. Our guidelines are carefully crafted to maximise the chance we can actually fix the problem you are reporting. That requires providing essential details which are almost always skipped when people only write something in a comment or forum post.

Anyway in case you missed it check out the r183 release notes here, which covers new features like Android App Bundles, the new worker mode, local file & folder saves, and more.

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Exécuter r183.2


6 favoris
Animations Editor: use browser's built-in image resizing if available

Corrections de bug

4 favoris
Animations Editor: Resizing of SVG images ignored input width and height
2 favoris
Fix tilemap collisions not working in C2 runtime
2 favoris
Fix WebM Opus audio playback not working in Safari/iOS with C2 runtime
3 favoris
iOS Export: Android version code option shown in build settings
4 favoris
Platform Info dialog not working (regresion in r183)
4 favoris
Android export: signed builds failing (regression in r183)
2 favoris
Keyboard navigation in icon lists did not always work correctly in dark theme

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  • Hello Construct Team,

    I have two questions that I checked the manual and I didn't found an answer for them:

    1- I've published a game in apple store and when I start it, it shows to me in the beginning construct 3 logo in white secreen. Even that I put in properties>Loader style>nothing, also I have a paid Subscription. So how to fix this?

    2- when I started the game on Ipad I noticed it does not fill the whole secreen. so how to fix this?

    Please let me know how to proceed with this.