Voir un historique complet de toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.

27 favoris
Clipboard plugin - allows copy/paste operations
38 favoris
Custom actions
21 favoris
Tiled Background: tile randomization option to break up repetitive appearance
12 favoris
Timeline bar: auto-keyframing
12 favoris
Support for exporting projects using WebP image format for a smaller file size
14 favoris
Allow associating .c3p file extension with Construct when installed with Chrome 102+
31 favoris
New plugin 'HTML Element'
32 favoris
Templates instances
25 favoris
Redesigned Start Page
18 favoris
New Example Browser
36 favoris
Sub-layers: use nested layers like folders, or for composing more sophisticated effects
22 favoris
Layout property to use orthographic projection
44 favoris
3D camera plugin
15 favoris
Set vanishing point to adjust perspective used for 3D features
22 favoris
3D mesh distortion: use Z elevation for individual mesh points
49 favoris
New 3D Shape plugin: add simple 3D to your projects!
10 favoris
New 'macOS wrapper' export option, based on WKWebView