Content tagged scripting

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Javascript - How to Arrange Sprites in Line
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In The File Attached you will see how to use functions , global variables , and instance variables in Javascript with Construct 3 , to arrange sprites in line d...

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Construct Time #8: Better Slider Bars
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This time I come with a brand new kind of thing. A fully fledged JS module! There's not too much to explain, and I'm gonna be honest, it's pretty late right now...

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Upgrading projects from classic scripts to modules
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When Construct's Javascript coding feature was launched in 2019, all the scripts in a project ran as classic mode scripts. This is how Javascript has run in web...

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Welcome to episode #2 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we are going to create an equipable item system. We'll start with a wooden pic...

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Welcome to episode #3 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we create a breakable item system, and implement using our pickaxe to smash it...

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Welcome to episode #4 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we setup item drops, create some more resources, and fix a few bugs. Assets us...

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Javascript for Begginers - Construct 3
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Some times I forget the paths or some code , so the best way is to store this information in somewhere , and here should be a good place and I can Share with ot...

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Construct supports writing Javascript code in both script files and event sheets. If you're new to the Javascript programming language, consider taking the Lear...


Let's see how to add background image to a video in camera with Mediapipe and Construct 3 scripting. By the end of this video, you will be able to. 1. Integrate...


By the end of this video, you will be able to. 1. Train and create image models in Teachable Machine. 2. Integrate Teachable Machine into Construct 3. 3. Create...