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Random Enemy/Item Spawn
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So in this tutorial I will show you one way you can spawn random enemies or even items in a platformer game. Check out the video and hopefully you can learn a f...

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Welcome to episode #4 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we setup item drops, create some more resources, and fix a few bugs. Assets us...

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Welcome to episode #10 of creating a crafting game with Construct 3, in this video we implement equipping items from our inventory, and also handle dropping ite...

  • 4 replies
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I have 5 layouts (each a different level) When the player collects a dimond on the first level it updates. However when the player completes the level and gos t...

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Guys! I've been struggling with a small project here. I'll try to be as concise as possible: - My stage is a maze, and you have to collect four different items...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I make enemies die at not the same time?
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So it's not exactly about enemies dying at the same time that is the problem, it's more of a bug/glitch that's happening. So basically, enemies have like a one...

posted 3 years ago
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Forum Topic
How do I get collected items to spawn?
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I have a setup where a character collects items, which are then 'stored' in a box in another layout. How do I get a random collected item instance to spawn ever...

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When the enemy dies, drop a coin, ok, so far I managed to do it, but I would like the coins to look alive, like the big topdown games do, when you open a chest...

posted 2 years ago
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If you have any tutorials, or general advice, please respond! I have a feeling I'll need to use arrays-. ALSO, if you guys know how to simplify this code, pleas...

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My Code but return 0.