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Construct 3 and Arduino UNO Communication
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YOU CAN FIND ALL THE TUTORIAL FILES ALREADY DONE HERE! If you're like me two weeks ago, you're probably wondering how to connect your Arduino UNO to Construct 3...

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Introducing the New Tutorials System
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Over the last few months we've been working hard on updating our game development tutorials system on our website. In summary, what we've done is: Moved all exi...

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Tutorials, collisions and updates
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I decided to be a bit more active on this blog. Making one blog post every 3 months isn’t really great. Today I want to talk about that. For the longest time I’...

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Saving... Please don't turn off the power
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Well, I've started importing my inventory code into my main game file which is great. It's all nicely contained in its own layout with its own accompanying even...

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A mini update
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Just a quick update from me this week, which I'm sure you're all delighted about! The Inventory Tutorial was updated yesterday so that now includes a save/load...

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Beginner level Construct 3 tutorial series
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I've noticed that it's actually pretty hard to find a complete tutorial video series of Construct 3 basics, so I decided to make one. I uploaded a full 12 video...

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I know this sounds strange, but my project requires it and I can't figure out how it works! In my game, the host is handling all character movement and the peer...

posted 5 years ago
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Has started a new "let's make a game" series on youtube. Everything explained very cleraly so beginners can understand what's happening. 1st episode is up, go a...

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fighting game tutorial/engine request
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I don't know how can you help me with this one but I need someone to make a 2d fighting game tutorial/engine with these features. 1.Intros. 2.Camera on two obje...

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Construct 3 Tutorial: Ability & Skill system
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Wanted to share my latest tutorial for Construct 3. In this tutorial, we create "Ability & Skill" -system for your Construct 3 game. The mechanic can be used fo...

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