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How do I make a tutorial for my game?
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How'd I make it so the user can only click on one thing, like a button, and everything else darkens like on regular tutorials for other games?

posted 4 years ago
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Here is a screen shot of a properly setup AdMob event. Yes, I tested it and it works. I use a boolean "adReward" to test if the player has been rewarded for a v...

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What type of tutorial would be most useful to you?
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I've been around the forums for years and feel like I want to give back to the community in some way. So I'm thinking about making a tutorial, maybe a few if it...

posted 4 years ago
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Construct 3 Creation Projects Tutorial - FREE PROJECTS !
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For those who were asking , below the list of some projects of mine ( sample Creations ). Here is the list of all my tutorials in Construct 3, With the Update d...

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I was wondering if anyone has a copy of the code they used for this set of tutorials. Bliskenx mentioned he was going to post the code, but I can't see to find...

posted 4 years ago
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Learn Game Development in 1 minute!
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Sounds like such clickbait, haha, I know. It is simply a one minute tutorial on getting started. The point of making this wasn't in attempts to cram a full tuto...

posted 4 years ago
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I just got a month of C3 and did the platformer tutorial overnight. I can't seem to figure out why my player is on top of the invisible player box instead of on...

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How do I create a new Google Spreadsheet document?
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Can you create a new Google spreadsheet within Construct 3 and use a new one every time? Instead of putting a URL and putting the data inside that? These tutori...

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Below is a link to a demo of a combat game that utilizes a simple combat AI from combining a state machine with move to behavior and distance. I have also creat...

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Below is a link to a demo showing how to format “BIG” numbers up to 1.7976931348623157 x 10^308 (javascript max value). Using a calculation on Order Of Magnitud...

posted 3 years ago

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