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Making a qix type game.
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I've been searching everywhere for a template or tutorial for a qix-type game. Old forum posts leaves only dead links. Does anyone have what I'm after? Any help...

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Has anyone done a tutorial on how to Update an iOS app?
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Just looking for a simple tutorial, video or written, of how to update an iOS app that's in the store. What's the fastest and simplest way using Construct 3? TH...

posted 3 years ago
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Anyone have a Plants vs Zombies Template?
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Do anyone on here have a Plants vs Zombies Template? Or know of a website that has? I am having a hard time finding an example of this game. Someone did post so...

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CONSTRUCT 3 tutorials YOUTUBE channel
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I am a Spanish guy who creates tutorials in Spanish on youtube about Construct 3. For those who may be interested, I leave the link below.

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Multiplayer tutorial part 4 is broken
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I just finished part 3 of the multiplayer tutorial and it seems that the page for part 4 (Real-time game) is broken: There's a comment error on the first page a...

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Hey guys! So, tldr I have a global number Score=0 and when an enemy dies, it triggers the event System > add 1 to score. This is all part of the introductory sh...

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PathFinding with a custom Grid
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My name is Rivers and I have been working on a PathFinding Grid system that will allow creatures to randomly pick a cell and move to it with options to add obst...

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Construct 3 Full Game projects on My Patreon!
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Hello to all. I opened Patreon. There every month I give away 3 or more games with source code. I have a family, children and I have to feed them. Please don't...

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Trying to put a little game together that has a 10x15 buildable grid (map) where players can place different blocks (2x2, 3x3) within the grid area. Does anyone...

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SOLID and SRP tutorials?
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I was wondering if anyone knows of a good Construct 3 tutorial that deals with the principles of SOLID and Single Responibility Principles? I constantly feel li...

posted 2 years ago

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