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How do I make the enemies grow larger over time?
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Total noob. I just finished the "Ghost Shooter" tutorial, and am trying to add new things to the game. I'd like to see how to get the "ghosts" to slowly increas...

posted 5 months ago
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How do I make a trivia game?
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I'd like to make a trivia game with multiple levels and in-app purchases. I just bought the subscription and wondered if there's a template somewhere. I spent a...

posted 5 months ago
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How do I add charge jumps like in Jump King?
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I've been having trouble adding charge jumps into my games, older posts either don't work or the images of events have been outdated.

posted 3 months ago
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Any good tutorials or Demos for isometric games?
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I am trying to figure out how to create a small isometric game but I am having a bunch of issues from tileset placement to movement. I can barely even find anyt...

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Simulation Game Tutorial
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Really enjoying learning Construct 3, but most of the demos/tutorials I see are for games I am not interested in designing, like side scrollers and other games...

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I want to export my game to Android, I watched all the tutorials on YouTube but all the people in the tutorials used Android Studio, is it possible to export th...

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Make a Grappling Hook Mechanic
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This course walks you through creating a grappling hook mechanic with very detailed explanation. We'll create several states such as launching, swinging and dis...


All the things I do on Construct. These can be examples, tutorials, videos, prototypes, plugins, scripts, who knows?

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Become pro game developer with Construct 3
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I've created beginner to advanced tutorials that help you to learn Construct 3 and become a pro game developer. I'm going to keep adding courses. Setup a projec...

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