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In this demonstration I will show you how to grab the front and back of a 2D sprite and make it appear as they're turning in 3D. Contact me on Fiverr if you wan...

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How to make a TATE mode (for SHMUPS etc)
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If you're wondering on how to make a TATE mode for your SHMUP in Construct 3, here's the code! + System: On start of layout. + OR Keyboard: On H pressed. -> Sys...

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I am testing out this new orbit behaviour. It's good. If I have one ball with a drag and drop and when I move it closer to another ball I want it to orbit. This...

posted 5 years ago
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Need help in getting 360 rotation of an object done (already have different angles images) on touch swipe left and right. You might have seen the same in many s...

posted 5 years ago
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Make Objects Rotate Around Another Object (SOLVED)
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After searching many forum posts and tutorials, I still haven't found a solution to my problem. After a fixed point (Ex: Boss) spawns other objects that stop af...

posted 5 years ago
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Laser cannon that throws projectiles while rotating.
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How can I create a cannon who rotate and throw projectiles in particular angles? I used the code in the image below and when the cannon fires a projectile, the...

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Timeline: How do I rotate more than 180?
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Hope you're having a great day. I'm trying to animate an arm swinging motion for a character. Problem is that the arm goes the wrong way if I rotate it more tha...

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I think I've done this before but I forgot. So if I drag sprite left I want it Northwest, I drag right north east. And have it point North again when not draggi...

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PathFinding rotate, there's a way to unable this?
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I'm trying to set one damage visual element (10 up the enemuy head, saying how much did he get hitted) when I hit my enemy, but he rotate becouse the pathfindin...

posted 5 years ago
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Touch Control Sprite Animation Query
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Is there a way to get a sprite to play an animation after it has been rotated 360 degrees (using "on hold over object")? Thanks in advance.

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