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I'm trying to make 2d sidescroller car game. I have truck body and wheels, then I connect each wheel with body by 2 joints - distant joint (to have a spring) an...

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How do I change mirrored with pathfinding?
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I'm using pathfinding behavior to move my character. I want my character to be looking on the left (be mirrored) when he is moving to the left and looking on th...

posted 2 years ago
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Hey! I have an object that I'm trying to make rotate off different image points, clockwise for one and anti-clockwise off the other while holding down either th...

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I have a custom slider that I created using this tutorial (with slight changes): I have a Global number InitialSliderPercent = 100 (so by default it is fully fi...

posted 2 years ago
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Can you rotate 3D Shapes on the x or y-axis? (Answered)
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EDIT: As mentioned in the reply below, the actual question is if you can rotate on the x or y-axis. ORIGINAL: I can rotate 3D Shapes along the X/Y-axis, but I c...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I set Turret rotation axis?
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I have defined an off-center origin for my turret, but the Turret keeps rotating around the center of the sprite image, not the defined origin. My turret sprite...

posted 2 years ago
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Screen not rotation on android
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But on Android phones it works differently: Without connecting to the phone's gyroscope and rotating the layer to the desired angle, is there a way to set this...

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I have a sprite set to "set angle towards Mouse.X and Mouse.Y. How do I get the sprite to rotate within a range of degrees when following the mouse, for example...

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How do I rotate a sprite (shapes) using touch?
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Hey folks. I'm looking to add touch functionality to this: Right now, I can drag with touch, but rotation doesn't seem achievable. I want to mirror the function...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I slowly rotate object angle in loop?
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I try to figure it out how to rotate angle of an object let's say from 90 degree to 180 degree and than come back and start over. I don't want using sine behavi...

posted 2 years ago

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