Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Maintenance release with many bug fixes

18 July, 2017 ()

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Over the past week or so we've collected up a nice big batch of bug fixes, and here they are! We're continuing to refine Construct 3 over the beta period to ensure it is stable, and we'll keep working our way through reports as they come in.

There's a few new additions in this build such as being able to cancel project downloads. We've also improved the speed of table controls, notably used in the Addon Manager dialog, so if this was previously slow to appear it should be a lot better now.

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Nouveaux ajouts

1 favoris
Can now cancel project downloads
2 favoris
Icons for project in project bar are now the location of the project
2 favoris
When you have more than one project with the same name the filename of the project is displayed next to each one on the project bar

Corrections de bug

1 favoris
Crash middle-clicking when dragging or resizing an instance
1 favoris
Possible editor crash on startup on some systems
1 favoris
Some WebGL shader effects did not handle alpha correctly on iOS
1 favoris
Possible crashes typing in dialog search fields while the dialog is closing
1 favoris
Browser plugin: entering fullscreen could cause form controls to disappear
1 favoris
Layout view: live previews could carry on after deleting the behavior
1 favoris
Parameters dialog: typing an expression before an object expression like Player.Angle no longer replaces the object name
1 favoris
Brush tool stroke disappearing when hovering outside the main editing are in the image editor
1 favoris
Crash when dragging and dropping files into a layout
1 favoris
Inconsistent selection behaviour when clicking on several text inputs in the image editor
1 favoris
Crash when updating properties in the animations editor
1 favoris
Misalignment of the table control elements
1 favoris
Blurry image in the Tilemap bar
1 favoris
Default to single tile erasing if there is no tile or patch selected in the Tilemap bar
1 favoris
Select the next frame of animation after deleting one, instead of defaulting to the first one
1 favoris
Crash when resizing in the image editor
1 favoris
Image point and collision polygon positioning after cropping or resizing in the image editor
1 favoris
Crash when setting image points in the image editor
1 favoris
Crash when changing an animation in the image editor
1 favoris
Crash after undoing changes to a sprite instance
1 favoris
Crash when using keyboard shortcuts of the Tilemap Bar
1 favoris
Text object has no undo history if edited by double clicking on the object
1 favoris
Recent projects would show the project name not the filename when saved for the first time

Amélioration des performances

2 favoris
Improve creation speed of the table control

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