Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Themes support, usability improvements, architectural changes

15 June, 2017 ()

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Note: there is a problem with this build which broke a number of features. We just patched it with r38.2, so please use that instead.

Construct 3 now supports custom editor themes! We're also releasing a theme SDK so third-party developers can start creating custom themes. We're also going to trial an official dark theme shortly - keep an eye on the forums for it coming soon. It'll start as a separate add-on, but if all goes well it'll be made a built-in option.

On top of that we have a number of usability improvements, including further handling of the back button on mobile for more parts of the UI, and reliability improvements to handling the back button too. And as ever, lots of tweaks and bug fixes.

This build also makes quite a significant architectural change: Construct 3 is built entirely around HTML imports, since they are an excellent way to modularise a large web app. Sadly despite their great utility, they've not managed to take off with other browser vendors, so Google are going to start rolling back support for HTML imports in Chrome. But don't worry! We have built a polyfill that completely replaces the feature, and in our testing appears to work identically. To future-proof Construct 3 from changes in Chrome, we've now switched to always using the polyfill, even in Chrome versions that support HTML imports. In theory this won't change anything, but do be on the look out for any extra bugs or quirks that this may have caused.

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Nouveaux ajouts

2 favoris
On mobile, the Back button now closes swipe-in panes and fullscreen menus


1 favoris
For future-proofing against Chrome changes, C3 now uses a HTML imports polyfill by default.
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Parameters dialog: adding a function parameter now focuses the newly added parameter
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Adjustments to improve reliability of "back" button handling
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Save complete now shows a notification message instead of a status message
1 favoris
Opening a file from the cloud is now blocking
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Uploading a file to the cloud now shows a progress value

Corrections de bug

1 favoris
Searching for a condition/action now correctly includes behavior category names in results
1 favoris
Pasting events referencing missing items in the project should now show an error message instead of crashing
1 favoris
Correct tooltip text for the preview splitter in the toolbar
1 favoris
Layout View now correctly redraws after releasing Alt key
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Global layer instances saved to all layers using them.
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Overlap of sliding panels when using the image editor in mobile devices
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Highlight items in the Z Order Bar
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Expressions dictionary overlapping parameters dialog
1 favoris
Focus the first parameter of the parameters dialog
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Loading a .capx from the cloud and saving would overwrite with c3p content but capx extension

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