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Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

SVG raster size, background cloud uploads, more usability improvements

02 June, 2017 ()

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We're continuing with usability improvements in this build, and of course a range of bug fixes. Some areas we've made improvements include searching for conditions/actions, the layout viewport area visibility, and IME input to expressions.

One nice new feature is you can now select the raster size when importing SVG to the Animations Editor. This is useful if you import a small icon, for example: if it's only say 20x20px, you can import it at a larger size like 200x200px and it will render the SVG with full quality at that size instead. Similarly you can conveniently downscale very large SVGs, such as for logos or banners.

Another nice improvement is Cloud Save can now upload in the background, instead of making you wait for the progress to complete. This means you can hit save and carry on working on your project while the save processes in the background. This is especially useful for people with slow connections. Note you can't save again until the previous save finishes uploading.

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Exécuter r34

Nouveaux ajouts

2 favoris
Option to resize an SVG before it is imported into the image editor
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Settings: a new 'use default icon color' setting, which uses the theme default. Note this defaults on, so you will have to turn it off to keep an existing custom icon color.
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Layout View: the dashed viewport area line is now rendered both black and white, so it's visible against dark backgrounds


1 favoris
Cloud save can now upload in the background
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Event Sheet View: when searching for a condition/action, the default selected item is now the first result that includes the term in the item name itself

Corrections de bug

1 favoris
Layout View: 'Parallax in editor' option didn't work
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Layout View: resize from origin using Ctrl could get stuck enabled using shortcuts like Ctrl+C
1 favoris
Parameters dialog: IME typing (e.g. using Japanese text input) should now work better with autocomplete
1 favoris
Parameters dialog: crash typing behavior expressions (introduced in r33)
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Parameters dialog: can now tab to add/remove parameter links in 'Call function' and activate them with spacebar
1 favoris
Event Sheet View: possible crashes introduced in r33 moving events referencing local variables out of scope
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Possible crash changing Text font if the project included a corrupt or unreadable font file
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Previewing array files out of sync until file closed
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Possible crash when opening the image editor
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Crash when duplicating layouts with tilemaps on them
1 favoris
Bug preventing the correct setting of collision polygon vertexes through the toolbar of the image editor
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Crash when closing the image editor after making some changes to origin image points
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Keyboard shortcuts not working as expected when a tilemap is selected
1 favoris
Updating the name of an array file didn't update the tab name
1 favoris
Rapidly pressing ctrl + s crashes

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