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Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Lots of bug fixes

29 March, 2022 ()

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This release is mostly a big batch of bug fixes. There's a fun new example 'Spinning stick', and some additions for the data editors and settings. We've also reverted some changes to the Android export while some compatibility details are worked out, and also fixed a regression that accidentally broke Android exports in r287.

As with any major new feature it takes some time to iron out problems, and several fixes for the new Templates feature are in this release too. Some updates for the HTML Element plugin now also make it possible to use it to display animated SVGs, which may be a useful new capability. Stay tuned for more updates!

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Exécuter r288

Nouveaux ajouts

11 favoris
New example 'Spinning stick'
7 favoris
Data editor: option to resize the header rows and columns
14 favoris
Settings: option to turn off 'Take a break' reminders


10 favoris
Revert Android target API level to 30 (Android 11) while some compatibility issues are worked out
4 favoris
Some design updates to new Start Page and Example Browser

Corrections de bug

7 favoris
Android exports not working (regression r287)
2 favoris
Video: playback could flicker in some cases (regression r287)
3 favoris
Editor: preserve overall tab order while dragging a tab to move it
2 favoris
HTML element: ensure subresource requests (e.g. <img> tag src) load in preview
2 favoris
HTML element: did not correctly handle clicks on animated SVGs
2 favoris
Deduplicating images on export could sometimes incorrectly deduplicate different images
3 favoris
Crash using "AsJson" expression (regression r287)
3 favoris
Templates: crash adding an instance to a family with behaviours or effects (regression r286)
2 favoris
Templates: crash changing the type of an instance variable (regression r286)
3 favoris
Templates: replicas not using the correct opacity value at runtime
3 favoris
Templates: avoid generating duplicate templates when using copy/paste
2 favoris
Templates: some instance variables not being picked up from the template
2 favoris
Layout view: incorrect sizing of instances after undoing changes made in the animations editor
3 favoris
Data editor: fix rendering of multi-line content in a cell
3 favoris
Data editor: did not always correctly paste multi-line content
2 favoris
Particles: possible crash loading saved state (regression r271)

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  • Hmm my project crashes on load after the update. Still opens fine in r287. I see if I can figure out what causes it. Seems to be tied to the array editor

    Error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'size') TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'size') at Nib.w8b.pjc (https://editor.construct.net/r288/components/editors/dataEditor/dataEditor.js:60:313) at d.mE

  • Hmm my project crashes on load after the update. Still opens fine in r287. I see if I can figure out what causes it. Seems to be tied to the array editor

    Error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'size') TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'size') at Nib.w8b.pjc (https://editor.construct.net/r288/components/editors/dataEditor/dataEditor.js:60:313) at d.mE

  • I'm confused about the the fix for "HTML element" - is this in ref to the addon "HTML element" or something else?

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      • Ashley's avatar
      • Ashley
      • Construct Team Founder
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      Here it is referring to the new HTML Element plugin.

      • This is exactly the response I was hoping for, however... I dont seem to see this new plugin?

        Maybe I'm not using the latest Beta (which I usually do). Will check.

