Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Exporter fixes and start of the game jam!

15 May, 2017 ()

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This build mainly fixes a few last-minute issues with Construct 3's exporters to ensure they are working for the game jam. There will likely be more bugs, but hopefully this stamps out the more serious ones.

We've also added more UI specific to the game jam, such as notifications to guests that the game jam is running, and a notification of when the game jam ends, at which point you'll be put back on the Free Edition unless you subscribe.

One more interesting bug fix is we managed to identify one case where browser addons could cause Construct 3 to fail to load with a "Script error, line 0" message. This ought to now be worked around - so if you've had trouble with browser addons in the past, it's worth giving it another shot.

The Newgrounds Gamejam is now running, have fun!

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Nouveaux ajouts

2 favoris
Full support for the Newgrounds Gamejam, including notifications about the jam and indicating the end date
2 favoris
Project bar: sub-items of sound/music files now also have an icon

Corrections de bug

1 favoris
Exporting projects using effects with "Minify script" enabled did not work
1 favoris
Worked around C3 failing to load due to browser extensions that crash
1 favoris
Crash exporting project using the Facebook plugin
1 favoris
Crash exporting with Cordova
1 favoris
Export statistics for some exporters listed NaN numbers
1 favoris
Crash using Bullet 'Bounce' action when not overlapping anything
1 favoris
Image editor rendering issues at browser zoom different to 100%

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