Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

More bug fixes

10 November, 2020 ()

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We have a few more further fixes and changes in this beta release, which all being well, will be the last beta release before a stable release next week. As usual we aim to refine stability towards a stable release and so there are fewer changes here as we are focusing on just the most important remaining issues. But rest assured we're still working hard behind the scenes to bring you more updates in future! So stay tuned for further updates and please do let us know if you run in to any more problems by filing an issue following all the guidelines on our issue tracker.

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Exécuter r224


10 favoris
Preview: hide loading message if error shown

Corrections de bug

13 favoris
Possible crash deleting something then trying to navigate to a search result referencing it
9 favoris
Possible rare crash hiding a menu
9 favoris
Cloning data storage objects in project bar accidentally created two instances (regression r214)
10 favoris
Legacy C2 runtime: tilemap collisions not always working (regression r217)

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