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Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Audio play from URL; scene graph fixes; other improvements

27 October, 2020 ()

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This release brings a new capability to the Audio object, allowing you to play sounds from a URL. This is done with the new Add remote URL action, which essentially allows you to give a name to a URL. This name can then be used with the "by name" actions, e.g. Play (by name), Preload (by name) and so on, which then work using that URL. Note as with importing audio to Construct, the audio at the URL must be in WebM Opus format to support playback on all platforms. You can use other formats, but they may not play everywhere since support depends on the browser/platform. The Voice Recorder example also now uses this feature to play back the recording you just made, so you can check that out for an example of the feature.

There's also a few other smaller improvements in this release, such as ensuring 'Recreate initial objects' picks the created instances, and using the volume parameter for previewing audio sounds in Play actions. Some other general usability improvements have also been added, such as also displaying the project name for folder projects in the recent projects list.

We also have a big batch of bug fixes, particularly focused on the still relatively new scene graph feature. We'll now begin moving towards a stable release in a few week's time, so expect a couple of rounds of further bug fixes in the next releases as we aim to stabilise this release cycle.

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Exécuter r222

Nouveaux ajouts

27 favoris
Audio: 'Add remote URL' action, allowing playing audio from a URL
13 favoris
Voice recorder example: add button to play recording
12 favoris
Game Recorder: use MPEG-4 H.264 / AAC recording formats if supported (for an upcoming version of Safari)
15 favoris
Include project name for folder projects in recent projects list
11 favoris
Timeline bar: allow for timeline scale less that 1x using Ctrl/Cmd + Mouse wheel
11 favoris
Timeline bar: add more feedback when dragging keyframes


12 favoris
System 'Recreate initial objects' now picks the created instances
10 favoris
'Play' preview button in Audio actions now respects volume parameter
10 favoris
Find Results bar: now updates after editing a comment
9 favoris
Timeline bar: keyframes are now set to all instances if there is no selection

Corrections de bug

10 favoris
Slow folder project saves (regression in r221)
7 favoris
Scene graph: pasting content from a closed project did not restore hierarchy information correctly
7 favoris
Scene graph: copy hierarchy properties when making clone of an instance
7 favoris
Scene graph: adding and removing instances was not registered as a project change
7 favoris
Scene graph: avoid saving information for deleted hierarchy children
7 favoris
Scene graph: crash duplicating a layout with scene graph information
7 favoris
Scene graph: runtime crash saving and loading
6 favoris
Timelines: crash animating Sprite plugin's frame property
7 favoris
Timelines bar: preview of "loop" and "ping pong" properties not working properly
6 favoris
Layout view: some timeline UI elements still drawn after toggling the "Show UI elements" checkbox
6 favoris
Layout view: avoid showing timeline and scene graph UI elements when a layer is hidden
15 favoris
Animations editor: Escape key did not close the editor (regression r219)
10 favoris
Particles: did not apply particle color when spawning objects
7 favoris
Avoid duplicate folder project entries appearing in recent projects
7 favoris
9-patch: possible crash dragging margin values in editor
10 favoris
Event sheet view: add event above/below keyboard shortcuts did not work with a comment selected

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