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Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Loads more bug fixes!

11 April, 2017 ()

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This build has a big batch of fixes and a few additions and changes on top. We're working hard to stabilise the editor and we think we're making great progress. Thanks for all your bug reports!

In case you missed it, we've moved our bug report system to GitHub Issues. The new system is working very well, so we will likely keep it. Please register a GitHub account with the same username as you use on the forum (if you don't already have an account) and file any more bugs you find there!

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Exécuter r17

Nouveaux ajouts

3 favoris
Updated About dialog to include links to the new feature suggestions and bug report systems
3 favoris
New project dialog viewport sizes can now be dragged up and down like properties
3 favoris
Resize selections in the image editor to fit the current image if they go outside of it


2 favoris
Changed layout of crash report dialog on mobile
2 favoris
Spinner controls outside of Properties Bar should act more like the ones in the Properties Bar when dragging up/down
2 favoris
Reduce the amount of undo points shown in the drop downs and remove the scrollbars from the drop downs

Corrections de bug

2 favoris
Project Bar: crash reordering layouts
2 favoris
Can now select items in tree controls by clicking item icons
2 favoris
Editor should prompt if trying to close the browser while a project is still saving
2 favoris
Event sheet: can now add or edit triggers in an OR block with an existing trigger
2 favoris
Event sheet: column width resizers should now hit test correctly when the font size has been changed
2 favoris
Layout view: crash pressing C with no selection
2 favoris
Layout view: crash middle-clicking when placing something with crosshair
2 favoris
Layout view: using Ctrl+X to cut, and then cancelling the copy prompt, would still delete the selection
2 favoris
Layout view: pressing Escape to cancel a placement did not fully restore normal selection
2 favoris
Webfonts with uppercase characters did not display in preview mode
2 favoris
Possible crash clicking Preview rapidly
2 favoris
Crash entering invalid viewport sizes in 'New project' dialog
2 favoris
Crash adding non-layout objects like Dictionary on mobile in r16
2 favoris
Cannot undo if some controls like checkboxes are focused
2 favoris
Fade behavior: 'destroy' property was not working (this also made the Rain Demo project gradually slow down)
2 favoris
Animations editor: image points and collision polygon changes not being saved after a crop or resize
2 favoris
Animations editor: crash when trying to copy the previous collision polygon into the first frame of an animation
2 favoris
Animations editor: crash with the bucket tool
2 favoris
Animations editor: clamp animation and frame properties if a value that goes over the limits is used
2 favoris
Animations editor: image editor did not have focus on the first click
2 favoris
Bug that allowed to create 2 object types after double clicking the 'Insert' button in the 'Create new object type' dialog
2 favoris
Tilemap bar: crash when using the rotate anti clockwise tool with a patch of tiles

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