Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

The first round of bug fixes from the beta release

30 March, 2017 ()

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We've had a staggering amount of feedback since we first released the public beta! We're working hard to address it all, but there's been so much we haven't been able to investigate everything yet. So we're releasing this build with a big batch of our bug fixes so far. Hopefully this will help improve stability significantly, but not all issues will be resolved yet - however rest assured we're still working hard on it!

When you visit editor.construct.net you should see a notification that an update is available. Please note that a quirk of our update process at this early stage is that you must close and re-open the browser tab to update. It's on our todo list to fix this so you can simply refresh to update. You can check which version you are using in the About dialog.

Stay tuned, we have lots more updates on the way!

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Exécuter r13

Nouveaux ajouts

3 favoris
Links to add a new item in the Behaviors, Instance Variables and Effects list dialogs, making it clearer what to do when they're empty.
3 favoris
Special error message if you import a Construct 2 folder-based project (.caproj) - these need to be saved as .capx first before importing
3 favoris
Animations editor: option to slice imported sprite strip in columns or rows
3 favoris
Shows specific error message if cloud authentication popup is blocked by browser
3 favoris
Allow m4a files to be imported via drag and drop


2 favoris
Slight improvement to appearance of cloud loader error message
2 favoris
Preview mode on mobile now opens using a dialog as a workaround to the popup window not appearing to work

Corrections de bug

2 favoris
Ctrl-plus and Ctrl-minus now zoom in the Layout View rather than changing browser zoom
2 favoris
Some behaviors could move faster than the maximum speed if they had a very high acceleration
2 favoris
Properties Bar: did not show size properties for Tilemap object
2 favoris
Context menus could sometimes be left behind
2 favoris
Free edition limits did not always update after logging out
2 favoris
Crash using object expression as instance variable name
2 favoris
Possible crash selecting all events
2 favoris
Parameters dialog: autocompleting a string name would insert unwanted characters typing the final "
2 favoris
Crash running project with tilemaps in a family
2 favoris
Anchor behavior: some options were swapped
2 favoris
Animations editor: issue duplicating animations
2 favoris
Animations editor: a number of bug fixes with the UI and drawing tools
2 favoris
Tilemap Editor: crash using the rectangle tool with no tiles selected
2 favoris
Tilemap object: crash showing the collision polygons of each tile
2 favoris
Issue encoding audio with the Import Audio dialog
2 favoris
Recent projects did not work in the main menu
2 favoris
Unable to clone text objects on layout view
2 favoris
Opening a local file should now more reliably show the open dialog

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