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Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

C3 runtime updates; bug fixes

07 August, 2018 ()

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This release is mostly just maintenance - bug fixes, performance tweaks and so on. We're closing off some remaining issues with the C3 runtime and making a few reliability improvements around the place.

The new C3 runtime debugger is also in development now, but that will take a while to get ready. So there might be a slight absence of new things until a bigger release we have that in a state ready for public testing! As ever stay tuned for more updates.

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Exécuter r112

Nouveaux ajouts

4 favoris
C3 runtime: Text & SpriteFont 'Is running typewriter text', 'On typewriter text finished' conditions and 'Finish typewriter' action
3 favoris
Desktop apps: allow Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab keyboard shortcuts for next/previous tab


2 favoris
Long expressions without spaces in will now break if there is not enough horizontal space
1 favoris
Platform information dialog: show 'Copy' button on mobile
1 favoris
Android exports could unnecessarily include cordova-plugin-status

Corrections de bug

3 favoris
C3 runtime: disabling behaviors whilst using 'Simulate control' was not always compatible with C2 runtime
3 favoris
C3 runtime: typewriter text did not always display last character
4 favoris
C3 runtime: escaping BBcode tags with backslashes still showed the escape characters
5 favoris
C3 runtime: Line-of-sight behavior did not correctly handle collision polygons
6 favoris
C3 runtime: Multiplayer incorrectly tracked peer count
3 favoris
Layout View: did not snap to grid when dropping from Project Bar
1 favoris
Could not scroll tall context menus with mousewheel
1 favoris
Video plugin: no longer lowercases remote video URLs
5 favoris
Multiplayer: 'Kick peer' action did not trigger 'On kicked' for the remote peer
3 favoris
Autosave could not be disabled
2 favoris
Cancelling the preview window popup blocked notification could close the project
3 favoris
iOS: editor could prompt to enter fullscreen when not supported

Amélioration des performances

14 favoris
C3 runtime: optimise creating and destroying large numbers of instances with behaviors

Mises à jour du SDK

1 favoris
Crash on startup if .c3addon file has missing icon

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