
Save a total of 15% off when buying this bundle as supposed to each item individually.

6 Items in this Bundle

4 favoris
Space Mining Resource
Unlimited Projects
Mine those precious space resources & start trading
3 favoris
The Device
Unlimited Projects
A futuristic device, can be used as radarscreen, optionscreen, infodisplay, research device, ...
8 favoris
Tesla Animated
Unlimited Projects
zap or trap your enemies, with these cool electric effect animations !
2 favoris
Planet FX
Unlimited Projects
map out space with these colorfull planets, grids, icons & more
6 favoris
Flares FX
Unlimited Projects
12 unique flares in 3 colorsets for great light and gloweffects
1 favoris
OctoBrain Boss
Unlimited Projects
Endlevel boss, brainwave animation, projectiles, ...
  • -15%

    Refer to the items included in this bundle for the license type of each item included.

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