DeformQuad (Construct 3 Effects)

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    Deform a quad image within the boundary of an object using relative vertices with the object.

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  • Thanks Mikal I did read that somewhere and have already done so but unfortunately it still remains. I will do some more testing, really hope I can resolve it as this working so well!

    It is actually something I am developing as part of a professional magic trick routine. So unfortunately cannot show much. But appreciate your efforts as it’s a great plug-in.

    • Did you add transparent border around all images in your project, not just the one with the effect? Do you have a sample project I can test and debug with?

      • Hi Mikal, I know this was a while ago now but I am revisiting this and trying to overcome this same issue.

        I can try and send over an example showing the issue but to describe again:

        It is a single PNG image that is transparent right to the edges of the image with only some non-alpha parts within the image. The non-alpha areas are a solid colour (red) which is what is then seen as a thin border of the whole image (the 4 sides).

        Again it only happens when using tri or bilinear sampling.

        Hope you can help.

        • Hi, sure upload a link to the project (I use to share files, but whatever works for you.)

          In general I use 3DShape or 3DObject to do what I used to want to do with this effect these days.

          • Hi Mikal,

            Thank you for looking into this for me, much appriciated.

            Please find the example file.


            Please drag the arrow icons to see the issue in play.


            • I took at look at this, but don't see an obvious answer, I imagine there is an issue with the transformation when the UVs transition at the border and the bilinear tries to blend across the boundary.

              • That's a real shame, but thank you for taking a look.

                Its perfect for my use if it wasn't for this small issue and frustratingly I cant really find another way/addon to get same behaviour. :(

                I also noticed that setting "Downscaling to Low" removes the issue but again this then results in "blocky edges".