Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables

Further bug fixes

06 February, 2024 ()

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We're hoping to have a stable release out soon, but we had one more round of bug fixes, so we have another beta release for you this week. This includes some further fixes for the new Flowcharts features, some issues with Timelines, and a couple of other miscellaneous issues.

All being well we should have a stable release rolling out next week, so stay tuned and happy testing!

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Exécuter r378


0 favoris
Google Drive: hide shortcuts as they are not supported

Corrections de bug

0 favoris
Possible crash loading project including certain types of SVG image
0 favoris
Particles: runtime crash saving particles to JSON
0 favoris
Timelines: system timescale was not being applied correctly
0 favoris
Timelines: projects using the 'initial frame' and 'initial animation' properties could fail to load in some languages
0 favoris
Timelines: audio not played if the audio object's name was not "Audio"
0 favoris
Timeline bar: possible crash after deleting a timeline while previewing it
0 favoris
Project bar: avoid creating duplicate audio files when pasting timelines
0 favoris
Flowcharts: project could save incorrectly after certain modifications
0 favoris
Flowcharts: ensure starting node always set after inserting or deleting nodes

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