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Implementing multiple drag & drop
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This Construct 3 demonstration show you how to implement multiple drag & drop. You can download the free template at Contact me on Fiverr if you want further as...

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How do I multiple Websocket connections? [Solved]
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I try to make a two websocket connections in the same time but it's not possible to open a connection while one connection is already opened. Is there any way t...

posted 5 years ago
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Can I use one timeline for multiple sprites?
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I tried to create a relative timeline for a small animation but it seems you can only use it for existing sprites (not created at runtime) and only for fixed in...

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Multiple click events when I mouse click just once?
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When I try to mute the song and click on the mute button, I get multiple click events. The same is when I submit the score at the end of the game. On one button...

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How do I select multiple objects in game?
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I have a game I'm remaking for someone and they've a system where the player gets a list and selects the objects from the list. It has ten levels with more obje...

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I know construct3's multiplayer is p2p. I want to try new things. I want to configure an online game by running a web browser (running a server) using a cloud s...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I shoot multiple bullets in an angle?
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I am trying to make an enemy shoot different amount of bullets at the player. For example, lets say I want to shoot 3 bullets at the angle of the enemy towards...

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I followed the Audio Analyser exemple, it works well but it only applies on a specific audio tag. I have multiple audio tag (like "KICK", "RYTM", "BASS", etc......

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Is there any multiple touch feature in Construct 3?
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I’m new to Construct 3 and stuck at one place of a game. Is there any multiple touch feature in Construct 3? If I tap twice (2 fingers) on phone screen at same...

  • 11 replies
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Hello I have an array with 118 elements in X. (x0 to x117). For each of those elements I have to get 3 indices and append them to each Y. EX: For X0Y0, append i...

posted 3 years ago