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How do I keep a certain distance between Npcs?
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I have multiple platformer Npcs in the level, who move towards the player with different speeds. How do I check for each Npc if they're to close to each other -...

posted 2 months ago
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How do I create multiple lights and shadows ?
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First, as always, sorry for my english ;). Second, yes, I tried the search option and yes, I found some relevant topics. But the linked .Capx files don't work a...

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How Do I Efficiently Display Text For Multiple Sprites?
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I have a page with many sprite boxes, whenever I hover over one of these sprite boxes the appropriate text appears. I can do this by creating the text and then...

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I'm getting a lot of great use out of the flowchart plugin. I've been using multiple flowchart controller objects, some with instance variables and the like. I...

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Multiple Enemy sprites/pinned objects
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I have enemy soldiers that use an invisible platforming box with animation sprite object over it that is pinned to it. How do I get each pinned enemy sprite to...

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How do I teleport to nearest sprite with multiple UIDs.
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Hi I have a very simple game movement. W,A,S,D is UP, Left, Down, Right. I have one sprite that I duplicated in specific locations on the map. When I press a di...

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how do i combine multiple games
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I would like users to see a first screen offering multiple games and from there they can choose which game to play. Each game already exists independently. Does...