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Construct 3 Make Among Us Ejected Screen
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In this tutorial, I replicate the screen of the player expelled in Among Us by replicating the background of the space and the character that moves by rotating...

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Greetings Folks! I'm glad you're here. I'm known by my internet friends as "PBMCube" -- Stephen Gose in the real world. I've been creating games and simulations...

  • 534 visits

First, let's create a new project and entitle it to whatever you like. I am calling my project “2D Rooms” (aka “Tutti Rooms” ;). Step #1: On our Project`s Panel...

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How do i fix this variable problem?
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In my game, I have it so when either player 1 or 2 gets to 0 health the other wins the round then they proceed to the next round. But the problem I am encounter...

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Has started a new "let's make a game" series on youtube. Everything explained very cleraly so beginners can understand what's happening. 1st episode is up, go a...

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I would love to use the GameRecorder object to take simple little video clips of my projects in progress, but I simply can't get it to work. I am aware of the e...

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How can I make a multiplayer game?
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I would like to create a multiplayer game in which a room will be created with maximum 10 players inside and the last one to survive wins (like Brawl Stars), ho...

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How do I merge several identical objects into one object?
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posted 5 years ago
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So last week I started development on my concept for a card game in Construct 3. Just trying to put together a tech demo right now but now that I've got the UI...

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How do I make a calculator with Construct 3?
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I really need help asap with some guides on how to create a calculator using Construct 3. Also, please let me.Know if I can tag you to teach me more on how to u...

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