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SimpleInventory Plugin
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Download it free: Construct is very flexible but I found it tedious to create and dificult to maintain a working inventory using just dictionaries and arrays -...

posted 3 years ago
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What am I doing wrong? (Inventory System)
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I'm working on an inventory system and for some reason it's not updating the slots. I "pick" a item from other layout, set the key "PickedItem" in a Dictionary...

  • 3 replies
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I have an array of inventory items. The first column in the array is the item name, the second column contains a description of the item. I'm trying to show the...

  • 1 replies
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How do I track the same sprite in the scope context?
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I have been tormenting this solution for two days already . The situation is like this: We have several inventory slots with one sprite and items that are impor...

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We released The Ultimate Inventory System plugin (compatible with both C3 and C2). You find it in the Asset Store (check here ). It’s a global plugin that allow...

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Issues with Inventory System
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So, I'm making an inventory system for an rpg style game and I've gotten it to where you can go into a store, buy an item and the press I to access your invento...

posted 2 years ago
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How do I make a combination system?
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I'm trying to have it so if you're in your inventory, selecting one item and then another certain one would craft them both into a new item. Like say. Let's use...

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How do I create a functional Inventory? (File Attached)
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If anyone can rate me on a scale on 1-10 how close I am to succeeding or failing in creating an inventory (1 being failing), my pet project on One Drive is. So...

  • 2 replies
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If you have any tutorials, or general advice, please respond! I have a feeling I'll need to use arrays-. ALSO, if you guys know how to simplify this code, pleas...

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Could I get some help with my inventory system?
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I was trying to fit a tutorial to my custom inventory system, and I can't seem to figure it out. I want the name of the item to call from the JSON file, whilst...