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Construct 2 (c2) version of the Line of Sight behavior (r275). When a chosen object is within line of sight (LOS) it becomes selected, even for multiple instanc...

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Building an RPG-Style Inventory
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Welcome to this tutorial covering how to make a robust inventory system. In any game which uses items, you'll usually need some way for the player to view and u...

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Multilanguage for projects using JSON and Dictionary
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This is my first tutorial and I'm going to show how you can setup a multi language project using JSON and Dictionary. First of all, lets setup our basic project...

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You want to count the repeated elements contained in this array and count the number of times they appear. Use Dictionary object. When an element is first found...

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Create a simple Inventory system
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This tutorial introduces several ways to manage data structures to make a simple inventory system. Which one is better dictionary or array inventory? They each...

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How do I save objects as a json?
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Ive made a blocky game. I can build structures out of blocks. Now I want to save a structure (made of multiple instances of one block-object(different animation...

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Are there any noticeable speed gains to be had from either approach in comparison to the other (Using a dictionary to look up values, vs. An instance variable)?...

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Forum Topic
How do I set text from Dictionary (or Array)?
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I have a dictionary that stores messages. 0: Hello 1. 1: Hello 2. 2: Hello 3. I want to set text "message" when an event happens. Basic logic is "messages.SetTe...

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I have a dictionary that gets saved to local storage every X minutes. When the game starts I want it to load the dictionary from local storage if it exists. If...

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Forum Topic
How do I store set of values?
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I need help in storing three set of values like an User A scores X in Level X, scores Y in Level Y and so on and I would like do the same for multiple users in...

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