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Handdle Bolean in multiplayer
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I would like to share my technique for dealing with booleans in multiplayer. Let's analyze the image below. We then have a computer that shows whether it is on...

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My pause game code works but I don't know why [pics]
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I have to set my initial boolean value to true, and I tried it with a numerical global variable but it didn't work, Why does this work but the others didn't? I...

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It was just me! I get caught out by this often - setting booleans have a different action to number and strings - bloody confusing - wish there was just "TRUE"...

posted 5 years ago
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Enemy's acting the same
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I am trying to make each the enemys start in an idle state and then attack the player when they spot them. This has been done through using a boolean instance v...

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How do I use a boolean to inhibit an action?
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I am trying to check whether a boolean is true each time the player presses Z and, if this boolean is true, and the player presses Z again, inhibit the function...

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Get the invert of 'On keyboard key pressed'?
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I didn't know how to formulate my question better. I'm doing a one-button rhythm game; You have to press the 'Space' keyboard key on the correct beats. For exam...

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How do I use booleans with families?
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I am encountering a weird issue with my "pickUp item" function. Basically all my items are in a family called "items" and this family has an instance variable w...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I check if an animation is NOT playing?
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Checking if an animation is playing is straightforward, but I can't seem to figure out how to check if an animation Is'nt playing. Any help appreciated!

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How do I Add a behavior to an object from boolean?
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When a boolean becomes true, I want to add a behavior to an object. For example, I want to click on a checkbox which activates a boolean, then adds a drag&drop...

posted 3 years ago
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Issue with Timer not restarting
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I'm working on a game where the main character is able to transform into different animals forms. I'm using a boolean to detect their current form and was tryin...

posted 3 years ago

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