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How to "upgrade" an object to a family
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It's always good to plan ahead when making a project, and determine when you'll need a family in advance. However it's easy to forget and end up with a large nu...

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Is there a way to do this instead of recreating all the variables and assigning those values for all the objects on the family on Construct 3? I have 14 mini ga...

posted 5 years ago
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When to use "for each" while working with families?
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I encountered a problem yesterday regarding families. So basically I got an "enemy" family where I put all different types of enemy sprites. (they all get assig...

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Yup, it means my written english is a disaster. I'm trying to make a square-enix's Go-like game. This is my solution for the movement logic (you can -- no, you...

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How to get the current family from the instance?
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How can I get the current family from the instance? Example what I mean: In this example, I need only the complete family from one instance with variable = 0. I...

posted 5 years ago
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Maximum Amount of Enemies on Level? - (Your Advice)
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I'm working on my prototype from scratch and I'm looking for some tips to make things simple as possible (when possible of course). So, I want to make the amoun...

posted 5 years ago
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Layer Families?
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Not sure if there's a way to do what I'm thinking of. But basically I'm going through a bunch of layers in my layout and adding effects individually because the...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I make it easier on me on soundboards?
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I've been making soundboards but it takes a lot of time. My method was, make a sprite when clicked stop all sounds then play sound. Its easy but when I have 100...

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I have 3 enemy characters that I originally thought putting them into families would be a good idea. Characters in my game use the tile movement behaviour to mo...

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Family with possible simultaneous collisions unreliable?
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I'm working on a multiplayer platform fighter kind of game, and I'm using a family for the attacks and player characters. Mostly this has worked fine. But somet...

posted 5 years ago

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