Content tagged array

A data structure consisting of a collection of elements (values or variables), each identified by at least one array index or key.

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In the file below you will learn how to move sprites using arrays to a predefined position. When the sprites.Conunt get 170 it will star creating new sprites an...

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Turn-Based Battle - Damage Modifiers
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Going back to the Pokemon Calculation, the modifier adds in a load of other effects to change the damage output of an attack. They include things like effects d...

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In the file bellow you will learn how to make an App with client registration with arrays to save data.


In the file bellow you will see some options to work with tilemaps . Change Tiles. Erase Tiles. Export as Json. Import as Json. Export to arrays. Import from ar...

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How to Manipulate Arrays - Construct 3
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In the file bellow you will see how to manipulate arrays , to create objects on a especifc place , by manipulating the arrays , and you can create any type of d...

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Hello, everyone! This is my first tutorial, so if you guys like it and want me to make more, let me know! Also, full disclaimer: I am not an expert at using Con...

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C3 Data Convert Example
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JSON.Get("store.Info.Location") // Lover's Pond. {. "data": }. JSON.Get("data.0") // 123. JSON.Get("data.1") // 456. Example 2.2. {. "items": }. JSON.Get("items...

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You want to count the repeated elements contained in this array and count the number of times they appear. Use Dictionary object. When an element is first found...

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Create a simple Inventory system
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This tutorial introduces several ways to manage data structures to make a simple inventory system. Which one is better dictionary or array inventory? They each...

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2D Array Shuffle
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Currently, The Vanilla Array sorting is 1D mode, for 2D arrays it breaks their relationship. For some configuration sheet this doesn't apply. Therefore, when we...

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