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C3 Data Convert Example
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JSON.Get("store.Info.Location") // Lover's Pond. {. "data": }. JSON.Get("data.0") // 123. JSON.Get("data.1") // 456. Example 2.2. {. "items": }. JSON.Get("items...

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CSV to Array table
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Is there a way to save an excel file as csv, then import to project file, and then point to it from the event sheet? I have it imported, but not sure how I can...

posted 5 years ago
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(Solved) Newline in Text with Sort column or row
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The example printout shows the log separated by line, but if I try print in Text, don't print the other lines, just the last one. Already tried adding a &newlin...

posted 5 years ago
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So the problem is, I'm trying to use a csv spreadsheet thats is a weapon database, with information like weapon name, attack dmg, element type, and fx that go w...

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How do I... make sure Tiled tmx files work?
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OKAY. This is going to sound a little crazy, and it's a long story. So basically, I'm recreating a game from another engine. This game uses tilemaps, which is c...

posted 5 years ago
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So I am using the CSV plugin by Rex. I've been using it for years because I like it better than Construct's arrays or any other database format. I just build sp...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I convert a CSV into an array?
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I am trying to make a high score table in my game, and I decided to use Google Sheets. I followed the helpful tutorial by dop2000 to send data to a spreadsheet,...

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Google no longer allows ajax requests? Any workaround?
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I used some CSV data from Google sheets and documents in my apps but it's no longer working. I tried debugging and found this error in the console: Access to XM...

posted 4 years ago
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I am working on a project where I need to upload a CSV to work with it, previously I was working with rex's CSV plugin, but I only have a version with the C2 ru...

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Can't open C2 project with rex plugin CSV to Array?
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Hi all - converting my C2 projects to C3 - it's worked great, except one game. It uses Rex Rainbow addon CSV2Array. I installed the C3 version. All good. But. W...

posted 3 years ago

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