How do I save the items in my inventory between layouts?

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From the Asset Store
Template for a generic save / load system, fully documented in comments and video
  • Hi again,

    I followed this tutorial: ( to make an inventory system. However, the items in the inventory doesn't save between layouts. How do I make it do that?

    My first instinct is to use the object type 'Local Storage', but I wondered if you had any other ideas.


  • I would put them on a global layer which acts like a HUD and remains between layouts, so where you create the objects (layer 0 in the tutorial) give that layer a global property and make sure in the other layout you have the same named layer.

    Another option is to make the inventory and objects you can pick up 'global objects', checkbox on object properties, which accomplishes the same thing.

    Also if you happen to mean a design something like going to another layout then returning to an 'inventory layout' so the inventory is always in one layout then there is something called Persist behaviour you can put on the objects which means the inventory will look the same when you return.

  • Sorry, but both of the options you suggested don't work. I also don't mean returning to inventory layout.

    Also, the inventory is separate to each layout. Maybe arrays?

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  • Actually, scratch that, I made the inventory window global (keeping them on the same layout and put the items on a global layout and it works.


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