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Can someone explain to me why the event and action located within the red circle don't work? Look the picture to help me out. (Note that the event within the re...

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How do I break subevents list executing?
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I have an event with two subevents. First subevent checks if variable is "1". If it's "1" subevent doing some actions and set this variable to "2". The problem...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I fix this character keyboard action?
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I'm new to programming and Construct. I have a character (Valentina) where I have set a variable assigned to her depending on what key or combination of keys th...

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How do I randomize the creation of a sprite?
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So lets say I have Sprite1 gets destroyed, and when it's destroyed I want Sprite2 to spawn/be created (randomly across the screen and with a random number of co...

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A question regarding lots of sub-events
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To explain better, I have an object that tells my sprite font what text to display when a key is pressed whilst overlapping it. The object has an instance varia...

posted 4 months ago
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How do I separate objects in conditions?
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When I pick up an item, I want to fill an empty slot. If I have 3 empty slots upon picking it up, just one of these must be filled instead of all 3. Since all t...

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How to replicate this
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So, I can't replicate this since Functions are no longer an object. Is there a way to replicate this subevent in Construct 3? Thanks.

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