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How do i check that all sprites are destroyed ?
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I need your help to find how I can check that all sprites are destroyed. For example : When all enemies are destroyed -> go to next layout. Can you tell me whic...

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How can I create a system that checks for an update from Google Play?

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Reducing lines of code for sprite angle checks
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I've managed to create a moveable pseudo 3D sprite, but I wanted to add a total of 360 frames, and set the frame for each degree. Example of what I have now (it...

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How do I check Array next value?
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So I have an array and want to check if the next value is the same as the current one, for example: 0,1,1,0,0,0. I need to know that in coordenates x1 and x2, t...

posted 3 months ago
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How do I separate objects in conditions?
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When I pick up an item, I want to fill an empty slot. If I have 3 empty slots upon picking it up, just one of these must be filled instead of all 3. Since all t...

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How do I keep a certain distance between Npcs?
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I have multiple platformer Npcs in the level, who move towards the player with different speeds. How do I check for each Npc if they're to close to each other -...

posted 2 months ago
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How do I determine the x-coordinate position of a Sprite?
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I've set conditions, but it seems not to check the X-coordinate position of the Sprite. Is it only checking the initial X set? How do I check it when it's movin...

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