Forum Topics tagged steam

Steam is a digital distribution platform developed by Valve Corporation for purchasing and playing video games.

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Multiplayer networking for modded open source game?
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I want to make an RTS game that allows users to write their own AI for units. However, I have limited resources, and am thinking of modding an existing open-sou...

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I've got my game finished enough. It's at that spot where I've been working on it long enough that I don't really see the flaws and what can be improved anymore...

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For the past few days I've been thinking about a game I wanted to make and how I would love to publish it on Steam if I ever make it. I researched the forums bu...

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Anstorm - ludum dare 42
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My second game for Steam will be released soon. This is a modified version with Ludum dare 42.

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Heart of Smoke on Steam
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We launched a new game called Heart of Smoke , it's a retro-inspired platformer (mostly Donkey Kong Country and Yoshi's Island ) focused on the smoke theme. You...

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How do I pubblish my game on steam?
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I ned to pubblish my agme on steam and I have a few questions. My game will not have leaderbords, or steam achivements. So I guess I don't need any plugin. It i...

posted 5 years ago
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Greenworks plugin update
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Got a couple of questions about official greenworks plugin (https://www.Construct.Net/en/make-games/addons/84/greenworks). As for now the plugin's description s...

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The Game is now available on Indiegogo! - Thank you for your support -. Latest Content ( 19/11/10) : For today we introduce *TankidiumWar Ricochets and Human en...

posted 5 years ago
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Creating Steam Achievements
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So I've just about finished my game, and I want to put it on Steam. Everything is ready except for one major thing. Achievements. I've found a tutorial on how t...

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Preparing A Game for Steam Release
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For the first time, I can say I am ready to publish a game on Steam. Yay ! It's bug free, polished, and all. However with that realization came a lot of questio...

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