How do I alter Construct GUI?

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  • Maybe you've heard; While using Wordpress, thanks to YellowPencil, we can control all CSS of the site without code via a panel.

    Personally, I don't like the current Construct 3 interface/theme a bit. Also I could not see a section where I could download free flat and modern themes. I came up with the idea to alter Construct's interface with a tool like YellowPencil and save it locally. (Like playing with CSS in browsers).

    I designed the concept in my head as it will be seen below. (yes some items are just fictitious) Since this concept is an idea, my question is; Is there a tool or app where I can change the Construct's interface? If not, how can I get free modern and flat themes?



    Sounds like you can fiddle about with the css to do whatever you like. Or maybe you can find an existing theme on the store.


    Sounds like you can fiddle about with the css to do whatever you like. Or maybe you can find an existing theme on the store.

    Hi Rojo, thanks for reply. Is this like the one I exampled. I mean, can I change the UI without coding with this addon?

    About the store, I can only view 3 themes which is extremly expensive in my currency. A plus reason I want this tool is maybe there will be a way to expand the themes in the store, in some way.

  • I haven’t messed with it. It’s not an editor. It’s a way to package changes to css you make into an Addon. And maybe give some starting points on where to start editing the css.

    To do the actual editing you’d use your browser. Open up the dev console and then you can fiddle around with the css. I guess that’s not really coding. In chrome at least you can click on any element and it will jump to that portion in the css where you can change the color and such. That theme sdk probably makes it easier by letting you change some color variables that is used all over. Anyways that’s my impression at least from skimming that page.

    You could also try some dark mode browser addons. It may work. No idea. I’m not that into it. The most I’ve messed with css is to get rid of the pink text on the forums. Otherwise I stay away from it.

    Doesn’t construct come with a dark theme though?

  • I haven’t messed with it. It’s not an editor. It’s a way to package changes to css you make into an Addon. And maybe give some starting points on where to start editing the css.

    To do the actual editing you’d use your browser. Open up the dev console and then you can fiddle around with the css. I guess that’s not really coding. In chrome at least you can click on any element and it will jump to that portion in the css where you can change the color and such. That theme sdk probably makes it easier by letting you change some color variables that is used all over. Anyways that’s my impression at least from skimming that page.

    You could also try some dark mode browser addons. It may work. No idea. I’m not that into it. The most I’ve messed with css is to get rid of the pink text on the forums. Otherwise I stay away from it.

    Doesn’t construct come with a dark theme though?

    Yes Rojo, the dark theme comes default but it was not modern & flat. But I think I found what I want.

    So with a quick research, I've noticed a theme with my demands, named "One Dark". Link:

    The reason make me confused is it's located in addons page instead themes page. It might be because they don't want to have anything free in the themes section. Link:

    The problem seems to be solved, but my question still remains valid. I would love to play with CSS with a tool like YellowPencil. :) If anyone knows such a tool, I would be very happy.

  • I've been messing around with this quite a bit lately, using a CSS-override Chrome extension called Stylebot. It started with me wanting to use a monospaced font in the expressions field, and then I got carried away :D I've done quite a bit to improve event sheet readability and even found a couple of neat tricks along the way.

    Here's what my editor currently looks like:

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  • I've been messing around with this quite a bit lately, using a CSS-override Chrome extension called Stylebot. It started with me wanting to use a monospaced font in the expressions field, and then I got carried away :D I've done quite a bit to improve event sheet readability and even found a couple of neat tricks along the way.

    Here's what my editor currently looks like:

    Wow! Thank you GEOFFB. This is a perfect tool for my need. I appreciate.

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