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Adding HTML News to any Construct project.
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This tutorial is a result of a recent forum post on how to accomplish this task. Since this is a pretty powerful method of keeping in touch with your playerbase...

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Working with a CSS file
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This video clearly demonstrates how to work with CSS in your game by loading a project CSS file and using it to style form controls. Contact me on Fiverr if you...

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Blog Post
Design UIs with HTML and CSS in Construct
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HTML is great for designing user interfaces: It's powerful, flexible, and easy to develop with. And we'd know - we built all of Construct in the browser! In fac...

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We've previously done some Feature Focus blogs where we highlight some of the best features of Construct. This time around we're taking a slightly different app...

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Forum Topic
Inject CSS
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Finally I can work on this bug. And I decided it's time to deprecate this addon and start a new version. I hope the 2.0 version will be simpler and. Better. If...

posted 6 years ago
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Any hints with Sliderbar CSS?
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I managed to edit a TextInput CSS (thanks to selfCSS and stylinwithcss ), but I hit a dead end with Sliderbars. I tried to Set its CSS, but my changes have no e...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I add CSS styling to an image?
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There's an action to set a CSS style on a text input control. I want to set a CSS style to my image which is currently a sprite. Can a text input control be set...

posted 5 years ago
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iFrame with text not scrolling on iOS
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I've added an iFrame in my game with content to an url with just text in it. When I play it in a webbrowser on laptop I can scroll the text, but on iPad nothing...

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I've been using Construct 2 for some time now , but only recently I decided to work on a text-based RPG adventure . I'm using a Text Box object , customized wit...

posted 5 years ago
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Forum Topic
How do I load a CSS file?
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I want to customize a Slider Bar and a Button with a CSS file using the ID property. I created the CSS file in Construct 3, and I used a different ID for each o...

posted 5 years ago

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