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How do I make an slope rotation like sonic style?
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Plz I just want to make a sonic "engine in Construct 3" :,(.

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How do I get a sprite to move up hills/slopes?
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How do I get a sprite with the Platform behaviour to move up/down (or align with) hills and slopes, instead of just moving in a straight line? I found a similar...

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slope movement problem
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I'm having trouble moving my character on ramps when they go up. Example. Michelfp.Itch.Io/teste-de-jogo.

posted 4 years ago
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Top down game: slopes/hills
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X*X pixels sprite. Sprite is upward/downward slope. The speed of the ball changes: Speeds up / slows down. The direction of the ball changes etc. Whether it is...

posted 4 years ago
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Change angle player based on platform angle
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I'm trying to optimize the logic that I have already made. Checking the CPU usage it takes 2% only for this function. Basically, on top of the collision player...

posted 4 years ago
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Whats the proper way to make slopes for a platformer?
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I'm making a platformer and idk how to make slopes, slanted ground that the player wont get stuck on edge when moving or dashing.

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[Solved] - Slope Issues in Autorunner
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I'm making an autorunner game utilizing the Platform behavior. I'm running into an issue where my player gets stuck on slopes. Admittedly, the slopes are pretty...

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How do I fix this Platform slope/jump problem?
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I just encountered this issue where when I start a jump on a slope, the engine still responds as if I'm still jumping, probably because Vector Y is still growin...

posted 4 months ago
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HowThe character shakes when going up or down slopes
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I'm encountering a small issue with my platformer game created in Construct 3 and was wondering if anyone could help me out. When my sprite goes up or down slop...

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The character shakes when going up or down slopes
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I'm encountering a small issue with my platformer game created in Construct 3 and was wondering if anyone could help me out. When my sprite goes up or down slop...

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