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Construct 3: Top-Down Shooter (Movement & Controls)
14 favourites

Top down shooter game featuring wobbly weapon, cursor follow movement, camera shake and keyboard movement! JOIN OUR COMMUNITY OF INDEPENDENT GAME DEVELOPERS! Re...

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Creating a floating thumbstick
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This demonstration shows how to implement a floating thumbstick in Construct 3. You can find the template here : Contact me on Fiverr if you want further assist...

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Drag over path (slide)
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I am trying to implement a specific type of control where the user can drag an object but that object will move only over a certain path. At first it'd be great...

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How do I make a radial thumb control for mobile?
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I created a circle sprite for the right thumb to control the player sprite. I used this code to get the angle from the center to the touch position to rotate to...

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I want to tap on the UI for a weak attack and hold for a strong attack. But I want to make the Tap attack using "On Touched" because the input detection is fast...

posted 4 years ago
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Mobile touch panning controls
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I implemented some panning controls in my game but it breaks once the "camera object" leaves the initial position at the top of the layout. I can't find anythin...

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How do i make the snake turn the right way?
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Hello there, I'm making a snake game to get familiar with C3. The game is a snake game without the grid system. If you touch the left part of the screen the sna...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I Make a sprites angle follow the mouse?
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I would like to know how to make a sprite set it's angle to the mouse position without it using the origin point. I would like ti to use Image point 1 for examp...

posted 4 years ago
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Character is all jittery glitch and control bug: HELP!
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As the title says, something really weird is going on with my character. All my character controls seem perfectly fine. Here is a link to my file: If someone co...

posted 3 years ago
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How do I make a twin stick movement?
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All the .CAPX examples from the results I could find are broken links UnU . Can someone give an example of this kind of movement? With my left stick I need to m...