Content tagged construct3

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How to make savegames
120 favourites

Construct 3 provides an easy way to make savegames . These allow your players to save the game , then come back later and load it from exactly where they left o...

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Using project files
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Construct allows you to import external files to your project. For more information, see the manual entry on Project Files . This tutorial covers some useful wo...

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Touch controls & detecting input method
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Often you'll develop a game with a keyboard and a mouse, but these days many devices have a touchscreen with neither a mouse nor a keyboard. If your game can on...

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How to "upgrade" an object to a family
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It's always good to plan ahead when making a project, and determine when you'll need a family in advance. However it's easy to forget and end up with a large nu...

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Exporting desktop apps with NW.js
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Construct can export your project as a traditional desktop app with NW.Js , which is basically a standalone version of the Google Chrome browser. In other words...

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Publishing to the Scirra Arcade
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There's been an update to this tutorial following the renaming of the Arcade. You can find the new version 'Publishing to the Construct Arcade' here! An easy wa...

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Supporting multiple screen sizes
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Most games have to work on different sized screens. This can be different size phone or tablet screens, resized browser windows, display resolutions, and so on....

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How to export Windows Store apps
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Support for exporting Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Consider publishing to Windows with the Windo...

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Building Android apps (APKs) in Construct 3
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Construct 3 has its own mobile app build service, which can build your mobile apps for you. This feature is only available to subscribers . Here's how to get Co...

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Building mobile apps locally with Cordova CLI
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Both Construct 2 and Construct 3 export Android and iOS apps using a technology called Cordova . This is a library that helps build and run mobile apps. Advance...