Content tagged artificial-intelligence

In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines.

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Let's see how to build an unbeatable Tic Tac Toe AI
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Topic: Let's see how to build an unbeatable Tic Tac Toe AI in Construct 3. There are different ways to do it but this is my approach. You're welcome to comment...

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How do I spawn multiple enemy A.I?
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I made basic enemy A.I that move towards the player and stops when it reaches the player. I made a spawner that spawns a new one every three seconds, but the is...

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How do I make an A.I. for this enemy?
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I am making a singleplayer tank game (image below), and I need to apply a good solution for the enemy tank action. It needs to fire a projectile describing a pa...

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I'm making a zombie survival game with hoards of zombies coming at the player constantly. They get hung up on eachother and walls, how'd I be able to prevent th...

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I have a grid split to many 32x32 cubes (quick background). I made the PLAYER to walk 32x32 (one step at the time) using the Tile Movement Behavior, so far so g...

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Multiple instances of a spriter object?
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So, I've been facing this issue for a few days now and I don't know what to do at this point. I have 2 spriter objects. Player and Enemy, and I have the spriter...

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Since I saw this video I have not been able to get out of my mind the idea of doing something similar in Construct 3, unfortunately I have no experience in arti...

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How do I Battle System with Pathfinding?
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I'm trying to create a battle system where the troops are created from both bases and the purpose of these units and destroy the enemy base, in the middle of th...

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I'm currently working on some enemy AI with the platformer behavior. When the AI is moving around on a solid, I want them to stop moving once they reach the edg...

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Top-Down Car AI
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I have currently been deigning a cops and robbers game. I want to do cars that drive around, but will stay on their side of the road and will not crash into eac...

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