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Expose more Greenworks Steam cloud APIs to nw.js and Electron (1.4.0: supports nw.js 0.82.0, Steam SDK 1.58, Greenworks 0.15, Electron with efc)

Example Files

Example project for release 1.0.0, showing most of the API calls. Use steam_appid.txt with '480' to test out this project.

Add Get Friend Avatar example



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  • addons 1.4.1,-1.4.0 This seems to be buggy with some projects. When opening the game in the test browser, there will be a black screen. or it may also error with c3 v358-366beta version

    • Can you try again and make sure you are using 1.4.1? I just tried with 1.4.1 and it looked ok. If there is still an error, open the dev console and send the details of the error.

  • Hi Mikal, thank you for this plugin!

    I'm trying to save my localStorage variables into a file to save on Steam cloud and load those too.

    do you have an tutorial for this?

    thank you

    • Sorry, no I do not have a tutorial for this.

      I think you would want to use:

      JSON object in C3 to store data and load data, see the C3 documentation on JSON object for more details.

      Save text to file {0} {1}

      Save text to file.

      Use the JSON expression ToCompactString as the text to save to the Steam file.

      Read text from file {0}

      Read text from file.

      On save text to file success -> let the user know that save was successful

      On save text to file error -> use the expression: SaveTextToFileLastErr to indicate error

      On read text from file success -> use the expression: ReadTextFromFileLastData to get the data. I suggest using a JSON object load and store data to/from. For example use JSON Parse action to load the JSON object from the ReadTextFromFileLastData and use the JSON expression ToCompactString as the text to save to the Steam file.

      On read text from file error -> use expression: ReadTextFromFileLastErr to show the error to the user.

  • Overlay is not working in Linux. Is there a way to fix this?

  • After upgrading to version 1.5.0, I'm getting artifacts left behind from the overlay popups in the offscreen areas such as when using letterbox scaling or monitors with various aspect ratios outside the viewport.

    Also, would it be possible to add workshop support and an option for overlay to open to the game page (useful for demos with a “Buy Now” button on the main menu)?

  • What about for webview2?

  • Hi Mikal, thank you so much for this addon. It's incredibly helpful.

    btw is it possible to open a link on overlay? I need to open the developer's page on overlay. This page :

    edit : i found this wiki :

  • Version 1.4.0

    It looks like there is some kind of conflict in the latest version of the plugin.

    When launched normally in the editor window (Preview button), it gives an error.

    Exception in 'greenworks' handler 'load': TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'isSteamRunningOnSteamDeck')

    at GreenworksDOMHandler._Load (a14447cc-e0cf-40ff-9f2b-aa57bc8182b3:137:49)

    at a14447cc-e0cf-40ff-9f2b-aa57bc8182b3:25:30

    at RuntimeInterface._OnEventFromRuntime (domSide.js:32:114)

    at RuntimeInterface._OnMessageFromRuntime (domSide.js:30:377)

    at _messageChannelPort.onmessage (domSide.js:13:68)

    _OnEventFromRuntime domSide.js:32

    Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'isSteamRunningOnSteamDeck')

  • Hi, .js files in folder c3runtime missing line with C3 definition

    -> const C3 = self.C3;

    "use strict";


    const C3 = self.C3;


    without it I get error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined

  • when I add this plugin and do nothing with it, and I try to run in preview mode, I only get a black screen. If I remove the plugin, then the preview is fine. Is there some way to initialize it that I am not doing?

    • issue was I had both Greengrinds and Greenworks in the project. You can only have one of them.

    • I am not sure, I just tested and it seemed ok. For preview, none of the steam functions will work (since not running w/ nw.js and dlls), but I didn't think it would black screen. Check the dev console for errors? Also send me the min version of the project on discord andI can try too.

  • Do you know if you can get friends IDs with this? (who also have the game)

    Might be helpful for some features, e.g. compare your score with friends (I think i'll just use non-steam leaderboards)

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