Fake sales and refunds

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  • 5 days ago I got a sale of one one of my assets (36 5x7 Tiny Sprite Font + Kerning) and straight away asked for a refund. Pissed off as usual, since it happened already in the past, but hey, that's Construct's Store policy to allow refund. I don't like it, but it's there.

    Today I got 290 sales of the same asset, again an obvious fake sale as it happened already time ago, but never seen so big.

    Anyone else have been targeted?

    I start to get annoyed about these and then have to deal with all the refund with no justification...


  • We've been hit with ~£30,000 of fake transactions, apparently according to our payment processor this is due to criminals using our store as a platform for testing stolen credit card numbers.

    The fraud is fairly sophisticated in that they do seem to be using a wide array of IP addresses.

    We have to refund these (hundreds and hundreds of transactions) as otherwise they will all inevitably end in a chargeback, which costs £15 per transaction and poses a significant risk to our reputation with the payment processors and large cost.

    I've been working on this behind the scenes for a while now, and will implement some better fraud detection and add more friction to the buying process to try and stop. In the meantime, I'm afraid there's not much else I can do apart from refund them as they come in.

    I really do sympathise with you that this is frustrating, but we're victims here as well and are equally as frustrated but doing everything we can to resolve this.

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  • Hi Tom,

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    As I already said to you by email, I'm sorry to read that the attack is so great, since most of the item on the website are quite low price, it takes a huge amount of transactions to reach £35,000 (updated value received by email)! The problem is much worse than I was thinking. I hope Stripe can help with that.

    I wish you good luck in setting up a better fraud detection system.


  • that did not happen just in the Scirra appstore, it happened in many other platforms, and it happened in Paypal because they always give the buyers a big advantage over the sellers, for example on PayPal you do a service to someone, then he sends you the money, after a while he asks for a refund without any justification or proofs, and you as a seller you give them all the proofs that you complete the service and the buyer is satisfied, but guess what? they give the money back to the buyer and sometimes they close the seller's account.

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