how do you make a game

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From the Asset Store
five golem elements Sprites Sheet.Best for enemy or villain game characters.
  • I don't know how to make a game if someone that has made a game could give me a simple answer it would be great

  • There are plenty of examples in the example browser.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • thanks

  • how do you make a game

    that's what we all wonder

  • 1) Create a New Project: Open Construct and start a new project. Choose a template or start from scratch.

    2) Design Your Layouts: Construct your game's levels or screens by adding and arranging objects on the layout editor.

    3) Add Behaviors: Use Construct's built-in behaviors to give your objects movement, physics, and other actions without coding.

    4) Event Sheets: Use event sheets to add logic to your game. Events are conditions and actions that determine how objects behave and interact.

    5) Graphics and Assets: Import graphics, audio, and other assets into your project to bring your game to life.

    6) Testing: Test your game frequently to ensure everything works as expected. Construct has built-in preview functionality for easy testing.

    7) Optimization: Optimize your game for performance by minimizing unnecessary calculations and graphics.

    8) Export: When your game is ready, export it to the desired platform (e.g., Windows, Android, iOS) using Construct's export options.

    9) Publish: Publish your game to online platforms like, the Google Play Store, or the App Store to share it with players worldwide.

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