A pen tablet for drawing pixel art?

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  • I'm looking for a pen tablet to make game assets in pixel art that I later can use in a video game.

    I have seen some posts like this: pctechtest.com/best-drawing-tablets-for-pixel-art , but still confused.

    I'm a beginner in general and not even sure if tablets are commonly used for pixel art but appreciate all tips.

    Also, what's your take on tablets with vs without screens?


  • I just use a mouse for drawing all of my pixel art assets (16 bit style) and its worked fine for me for about year now. I don't think it hindering at all.

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  • I also use a mouse for pixelart. Pixelart isn't exactly requiring the features that a tablet provides. There are maybe some features that could be interesting, but mostly it isn't required at all. But a tablet can still be used regardless and obviously can also be used to draw other stuff.

    I personally recommend a cheap wacom over pretty much any other brand if you wanna buy one. Even though other brands can be dirt cheap, they often end up feeling cheaply made. Also seems like there's black cyber week right now with some nice discounts.

  • I also use a mouse for pixelart. Pixelart isn't exactly requiring the features that a tablet provides.

    Yeah because the scale at which you can draw pixel art assets is usually small (depending on the style of the pixel art), it would be easier just to draw them using mouse.

    That being said drawing with a mouse can be frustrating if you have no experience using one. When I started doing pixel art it was awkward and slow and I thought using a stylus would be faster. But as time went on I grew faster and faster at doing art with a mouse I haven't thought about getting a stylus in a long time. Although I could see how using a stylus would be more comfortable for people who are more used to working with actual drawing tools.

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