Wheel & Deal (PC)

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From the Asset Store
A space themed game with high quality 2D graphics and addictive music that provide hours of fun
  • Hi there!

    Long story short: I finally decided to make a PC-version of my old iOS-project Wheel & Deal. It's a tiny arcade shooter made of lasers, space and everything ace.

    A demo is now playable on Itch: roboteka.itch.io/wheel-deal

    What do you think?


  • I like that a lot, especially that you don't use spaceships and asteroids. Music is good, controls with Gamepad is very good. The only suggestion i would have is that the player could wrap around in the playfield but the enemies not. So you could get rid of your pursuers.

    And one last thing, if you use the arrow keys + space for controls some keyboards can have ghosting with that key combinations.

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  • I like that a lot, especially that you don't use spaceships and asteroids. Music is good, controls with Gamepad is very good. The only suggestion i would have is that the player could wrap around in the playfield but the enemies not. So you could get rid of your pursuers.

    Thank you! That could work if the screen would not scroll. Hmm, something to test definitely.

    And one last thing, if you use the arrow keys + space for controls some keyboards can have ghosting with that key combinations.

    This is a good point. I'll fix this.

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