How do I stop player from moving after "set new position"?

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Basic Rounded Vector Geometry Player Design with Glow for 3 player games
  • Hi,

    I have this problem where the player moves after that it has arrived to its new position after a "set position to"-event, e.g. on player overlapping object X, set player position to x,y.

    I use 4-direciton movement for the player and have played around with disabling brick movement, set movement speed to 0, etc, to make the player stand still when it arrives to its new direction. But it is not working. Depending on the attempted stop movement actions used, the player will either move one tile or try to find its way back to the position it was moved from.

    Input on how to solve this problem would be much appreciated.

  • Without the project file it's difficult to tell. One possible reason is that it's pushed out by a solid object.

    What behavior are you using for movement? You can try disabling the behavior before changing its position.

  • Hi dop2000,

    Thank you so much for your reply. Your suggestion is included in things I have tested and unfortunately it does not solve the problem.

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  • What behavior are you using for movement? Please post your events.

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