How do I get a list of values of all outputs of all nodes of a flowchart (for localisation)

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Template for scrollable list, fully documented in comment and video
  • Is it possible to get a list of all values of all nodes of a flowchart. Need this for localisation, so that I can copy a list of all the values to give them to the translators.


  • At the moment there is no convenient way of doing this in the editor, and the runtime doesn't have anything for this specific purpose either.

    You can try printing to console all the values of each node as you traverse a flowchart at runtime. That is not ideal because you would need to make sure to manually visit all nodes. If you decide to do this, use the On any node entered trigger to detect when a node is reached in combination with the For Each Output loop condition to loop through all the outputs of the node. In the action block use the FlowchartController.CurOutputName[/b and FlowchartController.CurOutputValue expressions to get the name and value of each output.

    If you feel comfortable looking at JSON files, you can also try looking directly at the saved information of the project file.

    Once you made the backup, do the following with it:

    1. Rename from .c3p to .zip
    2. Extract it to a folder, like you would any other zip file
    3. Look for the flowcharts folder
    4. In it there is a .json file for each flowchart, ignore the .uistate.json files
    5. There is a lot of stuff in each of those files, but what you are looking for is the various "outputs" entries. Each of those have all the outputs of each node. You can copy and paste what you need into a different file, or just delete everything that is not what you are looking for. That is why we do this kind of things in a backup file!

    Let me know if you need any help with any of that.

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  • Thank you so much, the json file method is more convenient. Could this be a feature for the future to list all the values in all the flowcharts for localisation ?

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